Elias Bosteels (MSc) has been valorisation officer in the People and Wellbeing research group since 2022. He has expertise in clinical neuropsychology and child and adolescent psychology.
Elias Bosteels works at Thomas More as valorisation officer for the People & Wellbeing research group. He is also helping to develop a diagnostic valorisation platform. He himself graduated as a psychological counsellor at Thomas More, and obtained the master's degree at the Free University of Brussels in biological and life course psychology. During his position as Psycho-Pedagogical Counsellor at the Centre for Pupil Guidance (CLB) of Community Education in Antwerp, he completed the inter-university (VUB, KULeuven, UGent) continuing education in clinical neuropsychology. Elias combines work as valorisation officer with clinical neuropsychological work at the Neurology Department of the VITAZ hospital network. Elias also sits within the Division of Psychodiagnostics of the Flemish Association of Clinical Psychologists (VVKP) and was chairman of the Working Group on Integral Youth Care.