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Culturally informed digital coaching education toolbox on safe sports


The CICEE-T project (Culturally Informed Safe Sport Coach Education e-Toolbox) develops an e-learning toolbox for Mediterranean coaches (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain and Portugal) about the theme of Safe Sport. 
With a cultural informed approach, the project aims to increase competences, knowledge and skills of Mediterranean coaches in order to protect young athletes from harassment and abuse in sport.

The CICEE-T consists of several steps: 

  1. to develop the CICEE-T e-learning toolbox;
  2. to implement, evaluate and adapt the CICEE-T e-learning toolbox in the Mediterranean countries;
  3. evaluate the project’s impact;
  4. disseminate the CICEE-t e-learning toolbox. 


The project aims to gain insights in

  1. the current policies of Safe Sport in Mediterranean countries;
  2. cultural barriers present in Mediterranean countries;
  3. in coaches’ intentions and beliefs to follow an online education about Safe Sport in Mediterranean countries.


  • Thomas More (BE)
  • Universiteit of Thessaly (GR)
  • Universiteit De Cordoba (ES)
  • Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (N)
  • ICCE (M)
  • European University Cyprus (CY) 



Tine Vertommen

Tine Vertommen (PhD) is research coordinator of Safeguarding Sport & Society  in the People and Well-being research group. As a criminologist she conducts research on the prevalence and prevention of harassment and abuse in sports. 


Helena Verhelle

Helena Verhelle is a researcher in the research group People and Well-being, research line Safeguarding Sport & Society. She focusses on the prevalence and prevention of harassment and abuse in sports and higher eduction.