Kurt Eggers has a BA in medicine, MA in speech therapy and audiology and PhD in biomedical sciences (KULeuven) and Developmental Psychology (U Tilburg). He is a researcher/teacher of stuttering and brodling at Thomas More.
Kurt Eggers holds a BA in medicine, MA in speech therapy and audiology and PhD in biomedical sciences (KULeuven) and Developmental Psychology (U Tilburg). He is a professor at UGent and Turku U and a researcher/teacher of stuttering and brodling at Thomas More.
Kurt is chair of the European Clinical Specialisation in Fluency Disorders (www.ecsf.eu), a European specialist training programme to become a stutter therapist. He is also president of the International Fluency Association, secretary of the European Fluency Specialists and a member of the IALP fluency committee. Kurt is associate editor of Journal of Fluency Disorders.
Kurt spent years working clinically as a speech-language pathologist-stutter therapist, has published several peer-reviewed articles and chapters and is an internationally sought-after speaker. His research focuses on the role of temperament, attention and executive functioning in stuttering and speech disorders in different populations such as multilingualism, Down and autism.
Within Thomas More, he has worked on the following projects in recent years: Stimco, Stages, Treatpacs, and Telelac. In 2022, he published the book 'Clinical Cases in Dysfluency' (Routledge, Taylor & Francis) together with Margaret Leahy.